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RSO Spotlight: Womyn’s Equality

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WMU chapter.

Womyn’s Equality is the only feminist registered student organization on WMU’s campus. The mission statement in the about section of their Facebook group states, “We promote women’s rights…, from equal pay and job opportunities to a women’s right to choose. We are pro-family, pro-child, and pro-motherhood.”

The group reconvened on September 11 for the first meeting of the 2012-2013 academic year following the summer sabbatical. The rendezvous, with snacks and beverages in tow, served as a chance to introduce new members, reconnect with returning members, and familiarize the members with the new board representatives. Members are diverse in characteristics and circumstance with several involved in other WMU organizations including Students for Sustainable Earth (SSE), Theater for Community Health, and Students for Sexual Awareness.

Womyn’s Equality will be conducting a handful of events throughout the year. The largest of these events is the Vagina Monologues, a performance of Eve Ensler’s famous play, where a percentage of the proceeds go to help end violence towards women. Dalton Theater will be hosting the play on February 8th and 9th.

Other notable events include Love Your Body Day and I ♥ Female Orgasm . Love Your Body Day celebrates the diversity of the human form with an open mic night and other confidence building activities on October 16th. On November 27th, for I Heart Female Orgasm, Womyn’s Equality will be bringing in a professional to teach techniques in maximizing sexual pleasure in the realms of sex play and masturbation for interested students of all orientations.

Second-term president, Genae Carter, opts to get more WMU students involved in the RSO’s efforts. Carter states, “Our organization focuses on combating the ism’s in our society, education through awareness and community involvement. The members strive to implement change not only on our campus, but the world.”

Womyn’s Equality meetings are open to all at 8:30pm Tuesdays in the Faculty Lounge of the Bernhard Center.

Editor: Katelyn Kivel

Katelyn Kivel is a senior at Western Michigan University studying Public Law with minors in Communications and Women's Studies. Kate took over WMU's branch of Her Campus in large part due to her background in journalism, having spent a year as Production Editor of St. Clair County Community College's Erie Square Gazette. Kate speaks English and Japanese and her WMU involvement includes being a Senator and former Senior Justice of the Western Student Association as well as President of WMU Anime Addicts and former Secretary of WMU's LBGT organization OUTspoken, and she is currently establishing the RSO President's Summit of Western Michigan University, an group composed of student organization presidents for cross-promotion and collaboration purposes. Her interests include reading and writing, both creative and not, as well as the more nerdy fringes of popular culture.