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Summary of Pope Francis’ Visit to The United States

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

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This past week, Post Francis visited the United States of America.  With him he brought a grand message of communion and service. In Washington D.C. Pope Francis addressed the many world issues our country is currently facing such as capitalism, immigration and civil rights. He invited Americans to embrace immigrants because we were all immigrants once and to remember we are all created equal. He preached of compassion and cooperation to the divided congress. He then proceeded to eat and pray with the homeless in D.C. 

The Pope then traveled to New York.  He spoke about how big cities sometimes forget about the poor or the rich believe they are better than the poor.  We must remember to be welcoming to the homeless, foreigners, and elderly.  He also greeted families at the September 11 Memorial Museum and spoke of the bravely and humility of the lives lost in 9/11. Pope Francis also traveled to Harlem and Central Park meeting with children and the homeless. He preached a message of peace in homes, families, and the world.

Pope Francis finally traveled to Philadelphia and reminded us of the most precious gift America has, religious freedom.  He stated that the main focus of his spiritual mission is “proclamation of the truth and dignity of the human person and human rights”(nytimes.com).  He preached of the importance of family and love, always remembering that love conquers all. He attended the World Meeting of Families, which was discovered by Pope John Paul II and takes place every three years. At this meeting he made a closing speech thanking America for giving him such a warm welcome. He again reminded us to be good stewards and act with kindness.

Pope Francis’ visit, although short, truly emphasized the gifts America has to offer.  Multiple times he invited Americans to embrace these gifts and use them wisely. Pope Francis said: “Let us remember the Golden Rule: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do to you” (cnn.com). 

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