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Registration Week through Gifs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

It’s that time of the semester again. Where you feel like you never want to go through anything like this ever again. Registration has a way of making us feel like curling up in a ball and crying until we’re home for the summer. Every single time we go into it with high expectations and backups for our backup’s backups. And in the end we come out distraught and with classes we hadn’t ever dreamed of taking. Registration is a word that makes us hide with fear, but look out because it’s finally here.

The week leading up to it when you’re trying to plan out your schedule

The night before when you realize half of the classes you picked out are already taken

When you gotta wake up early for it

When banner doesn’t load

When the class you really NEEDED filled up.

When you didn’t get that GER 4B.

When you DID get that GER 4B

When you look at your schedule for the next semester

When you send a professor an email requesting an override and gotta wait for the reply

When that professor doesn’t give it to you

When they do

When you’re finally done registering for classes