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How To Study this Finals Season Told in GIFs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

1. Open Facebook and scroll endlessly. The answers to your final will be found in the attempted witty status posted by your friends, or the drunk photos of you and your friends last weekend.

2.  Take a 20 minute walk every five minutes. You’ll be thankful for this since you’re missing leg day to stare at PowerPoints.

3. Lay all your stuff in front of you on the table and then take a nap. You deserve it. You did the hardest work of all getting that notebook out!

4. Google random facts. You may end up knowing nothing about organic chemistry, but you’ll be glad you know all 63 of Jupiter’s moons.

5. Spend two hours in Wawa deciding what you want to eat. Maybe your test will have something about the stuff on Wawa’s menu.

6. Start drinking at 8am like it is blowout again! It’s not like you need to actually be sober when you show up to your 2pm exam.

7. Start writing that 20 page paper two hours before it’s due. That crunch time will totally make you sound more sophisticated than you would have if you started any earlier.

8. Go to Swem with your friends. You’ll totally focus on your three papers and two exams and not spend the whole time talking about how cute last night’s hook-up was.

9. Just give up because you know you’re never going to learn a whole semester’s worth of material in 24 hours.