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The Year of Opportunities: 3 Speeches to Inspire You Throughout 2018

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Hope, equality, prosperity, change — these are just some things we all hope to accomplish this year, and the list could go on and on. However, all of these themes fit under the umbrella of one word: opportunity. We’re only a little more than a month into 2018, but Halsey, Aly Raisman and Oprah have already given powerful speeches that demonstrate exactly why “opportunity” should be the word to inspire all of us this year.


Halsey – “A Story like Mine” Poem

The singer-songwriter held nothing back during the NYC Women’s March on Jan. 20; she shared the emotional stories of how sexual assault has personally affected her life. If the gut-wrenching accounts did not leave enough of an impact, Halsey spent the second half of her poem focusing on the issue as a whole by reminding her audience that “it’s 2018, and I’ve realized nobody is safe long as she is alive.” She went on to suggest that “we are not free until all of us are free. So love your neighbor, please treat her kindly.” The final plea she made was for everyone to “be a voice for all those who have prisoner tongues.”

Halsey’s speech was packed with opportunities that we should seize this year. We have the opportunity to love those around us. We have the opportunity to treat everyone we meet with kindness. We have the opportunity to unite as a nation and fight for the rights we believe in.


Aly Raisman – Larry Nassar Testimony

Standing in a courtroom to confront a person who has caused you pain and trauma sounds unimaginably difficult — but that’s exactly what Aly Raisman did with courage, confidence and grace during Larry Nassar’s trial on Jan. 19. “I am here to face you, Larry, so you can see I’ve regained my strength, that I am no longer a victim, I am a survivor,” Raisman spoke directly to the former gymnastics doctor from the witness stand. She also called out USA Gymnastics for their poor handling of accusations about Nassar: “If over these many years just one adult listened, and had the courage and character to act, this tragedy could have been avoided.” Toward the end of her speech, the gymnast expanded her message to also address the greater population. “If we are to believe in change, we must first understand the problem and everything that contributed to it… only then can we know what changes are needed. Only then can we believe such changes are real,” she said.

Raisman’s testimony provided examples of opportunities that we should take advantage of in 2018. We have the opportunity to rise above challenges we face by turning them into empowerment. We have the opportunity to take responsibility for our actions, right or wrong. We have the opportunity put in the effort necessary to actually make change happen.


Oprah – Cecil B. de Mille Award Acceptance Speech

We’ve always known that Oprah’s a queen, but her acceptance speech at the Golden Globes on Jan. 7 confirmed just how powerful she really is. After telling stories of society’s injustice toward marginalized people, Winfrey said, “What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we have.” She went on to applaud some of the victims of mistreatment by saying, “I’m especially proud and inspired by all the women who have felt strong enough to speak up and share their personal stories.” Oprah ended her address by shining an optimistic light on the current position of the country by proclaiming, “I’ve interviewed and portrayed people who’ve withstood some of the ugliest things life can throw at you, but the one quality all of them seem to share is an ability to maintain hope for a brighter morning, even during our darkest nights.”

Oprah’s speech highlighted opportunities we should take hold of over the next ten and a half months. We have the opportunity to be honest and to spread our truth. We have the opportunity to be brave. We have the opportunity to look at the future with hope.


It’s true that all of these women touched on similar issues facing our society, but there’s a larger connection between their speeches that should set the tone for how we behave over the course of this year—they all seized the opportunity to use their platforms to make a difference. Now, you may be thinking that you’re just a college student who blends into the crowd — you don’t have a platform like theirs to use. You’re wrong. We may not be known to millions across the globe, but we are members of friend groups, workplaces, classes and organizations that respect our voices. Rather than sitting back and thinking we can’t make a difference, let 2018 be the year we channel our inner Halsey, Aly and Oprah. Let 2018 be the year we tell our stories, speak our truths and stand up for what we believe in. Let 2018 be the year we answer the door when opportunity comes knocking.

Aubrynn is a small town Wisconsin girl with big city dreams. She is currently a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison pursuing a career in the sports broadcasting industry. Some of her favorite things include smelling flowers, laughing with her friends, and the color pink. She hopes to inspire people to believe in themselves and to treat everyone they meet with kindness. You can keep up with everything happening in the life of Aubrynn on Twitter (@AubrynnVV) and Instagram (@brynnvv).