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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Raise your hand if you’re super excited for the Christmas season! 

I was so excited that I looked at the best place for holiday inspiration…The White House! Every year, The White House becomes the most beautiful winter attraction in all the land. Recently, I decided to take a look at the holiday decoration from the past three presidencies. Here are just a few pictures of the White House throughout the years.


Laura Bush:

Helllllooo Christmas trees! I’m here for the classic frosty Christmas tree decorations!

Only a tree this size could support the amazing ornaments and live up to the decorations in the rest of the White House!

These Christmas decorations are on point! They’re so beautiful and elegant, just like Laura Bush! I love the classic ornaments, the trees they chose, and everything else about this setup!


Michelle Obama:

Look at these children, basking in the glow of Michelle Obama’s GORGEOUS decorating!

Honestly, I’d be making the same face if Michelle Obama herself was showing me a White House Christmas tree.

Just like everything else Michelle Obama does, these decorations are PERFECT! I love the addition of their dog to the replica of the White House! Michelle, can you decorate my house next?


Melania Trump:

I love how icy and frosty these branches look! They only make me wish for snow even harder!

Look at her! She’s glowing – just like all those Christmas trees!

This is a beautiful set of decorations for her first Christmas in the White House! 


Collegiettes, are you feeling inspired to create your own winter wonderland? Have fun decorating for a Christmas to remember!

Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.