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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

As the end of my college career draws closer and my last college Thanksgiving is this week, I have a lot of thank yous to give out. There are many important people in my life, and they have all helped me get through roughly my first three-and-a-half years and will hopefully help me survive until May.

My parents

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for supporting me and loving me throughout my time at WSU. I don’t know what I would do without you; you’ve provided me with so many opportunities and helped me in so many ways. I love you so much; you deserve everything and anything in the world and I wish I could give it to you.

My family

Thank you to my parents (again), Jeff, Sean, Laura, Megan, Oliver, Ella, and so many others for always giving me something to look forward to when I come home. Jeff and Sean, thank you for toughening me up during my childhood in the way only older brothers can. You’ve all supported me, inspired me, and  given me advice in so many aspects.

My friends

You all know who you are. Thank you to all my best friends, current friends, those who I’ve grown apart from, and even those I just talk to in class. Thank you for making my academics bearable, for supporting me, letting me vent to you, and making Winona even more fun. These four years will be the most memorable of my life, thanks to you.

My work family

By the time I graduate I will have had my job for three years. Thank you to my co-workers  (current and past) and my supervisors. I have grown so much because of this job, and I don’t want to know how different life would have been without it. Thank you for the advice, laughs, and being able to share all my frustrations.

Winona State University and the City of Winona

What can I say about this place? Thank you for being so beautiful and being the main ingredient in the greatest time of my life (so far). I can’t wait to come back to visit.


While it is the season for giving out thanks, always show your appreciation to everyone around you.

Hi I'm Emily and I'm from Appleton, Wisconsin! I'm a Mass Communication- Advertising student, with a minor in Art History at WSU. I like concerts, hockey, cooking, and dancing in the car. I also enjoy guacamole, french fries, and caramel iced coffees from Dunkin' Donuts. All I really want to do is travel the world, move to a big city, and spend my weekends on a lake. IG & Twitter @esheptoski