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5 Ways to Get Out of That Winter Funk

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

After Christmas is over something tends to shift. The magic you once saw in the daily snowfalls slowly fades into a “funk-like” state, and what you are left with is a long, gloomy, grey winter.

Winter leaves us all feeling unmotivated, posting summer bikini throwback pictures on Instagram, waiting for the days of sunshine to enter our lives once again. It’s okay to be in that winter funk, it’s natural, it happens to the best of us… But I have good news for you: SPRING IS COMING! YOU’RE GOING TO BE OKAY!

Here are some ways to look forward to the spring weather that is coming and help get you out of that funk!

1.When the first mild and sunny day comes… TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT!

There is always one day that takes us by surprise after the coldest week of winter, where the sun comes out and the heat rises above 0 degrees. When that happens, pause your Netflix binge and GO OUTSIDE! Take a walk with your friends and enjoy the sun, the vitamin D will boost your mood instantly!

2. Go for a drive

16-year-old-you got that G1 for a reason! Escape the stress of midterm season sneaking up on you and go clear your head. Turn on the radio and hit the open road for some much needed YOU time.

3. Make a new playlist.

There is nothing more refreshing than hitting play on a newly crafted mood boosting playlist. Throw together some old-school feel good tunes and test drive this beautiful creation while dancing around your apartment with your roommates! (PRO TIP: a little Backstreet Boys is always key)

4. Make a summer bucket list.

Let’s face it, for us college students, late April is basically the start of summer. Which means it is never too soon to start getting hyped for the warm months ahead, YOU’RE ALMOST FREE! This gives you an excuse to plan your girl’s weekends and your summer concerts! Make that list and let your group chat know the plans.

5. Treat yourself.

Do yourself a favour and treat yourself! Why you ask? Because you did it! You made it through another long and tiring winter. You need to reward yourself for this major accomplishment. Go to the mall and buy yourself that new spring collection skirt you have been eyeing in the window. YOU DESERVE IT!

Sara Domaratzki

Wilfrid Laurier

A lively and mildly entertaining 4th year Communications Studies student at Wilfrid Laurier University.  Enjoys dancing obnoxiously, quoting movies to anyone who will listen and eating various high calorie snacks. 
Jenna Steadman

Wilfrid Laurier

4th year Psychology major at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo ON.