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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

All I really need to know about being a human and living life I learned from reality television. In today’s society, reality shows are all around us, and no one can deny that it is a guilty pleasure to watch the craziness of someone else’s life. However, they can also be subtle life lessons. Here’s what I’ve learned thus far:


1.     Human beings naturally love drama.

Be careful who you open up to. You should recognize that while some genuinely care, others just want to know your business.

2.     Everything is out there for anybody who wants to see.

We have entered an era where someone is always recording videos or posting pictures of themselves, or someone else is doing it for them. Make sure that what gets out about you is kind and honourable.

3. Always be who you are.

The truth will always get out eventually, so it does nobody any good to try to hide it. Authenticity is less exhausting than trying to keep up with all the lies and secrets anyway.

4.     Life is not unscripted.

Everything happens for a reason, and most moments are not spontaneous, like we dream of them to be. We are all guilty of scripting how we want a conversation to play out in the shower, but it usually never turns out the way we imagined. Just roll with the punches.


5.     You will never win without a strategy.

No one has ever gotten to the top without some sort of plan. Know your strengths (and take advantage of them!) but, more importantly, know your weaknesses.


6.     Likewise, boring doesn’t win.

Don’t be afraid to get creative – take risks! Always give 110% in everything you do; a job worth doing is worth being done well. Effort and initiative are always recognized.

7. The human body can do amazing things (can we take Wipeout for example?!).

Cherish your body and take care of it – you only get one. Most importantly, love it, flaws and all. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder.

8.     It’s all about your character.

You can be the most talented person in the room, but if you have a horrible personality no one will want to see you succeed. Nice guys absolutely do not finish last.


9.     Learn from other people’s mistakes!

Observe the people around you. Take note of the decisions they make and promise yourself that you will think back on the result they had before you make the same choices.


10.  Life really is a competition.

No matter what anyone says, you can be as admirable as they come, but there aren’t many winners that way. If you want it, you have to take it. What’s the point of coming in second, when the prize is not divided? Remember: they want to see you do well, but never better than them. Prove them wrong.





I am a freshmen at the University of Western Ontario in the Arts and Humanities program. I think I am going to major in English Literature, and after I complete my undergrad, I am hoping to go to Law School. Books have always been my safe place, my escape from the real world - I have always been more of a reader, but with this new phase of my life starting, I decided to try my hand at writing. I guess we're about to find out how that goes.
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