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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

So, it’s January. That means your Instagram timeline and Twitter feed are filled with people claiming: “new year, new me.” But I think a much better motto for 2018 is: “new year, SAME me!” Changing yourself just because it’s a new year is overrated and chances are your changes aren’t going to last long. I propose staying the “same,” but with a twist…New years are for new GOALS. Strive to push yourself, to do something new, to make some changes in smart ways and without the pressure, in small steps! Here are some ideas to get you started…


1. Start a Journal

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I’ve always liked the idea of journaling but, personally, I’ve never had the patience (or hand strength) to sit down and just write for a while. That said, I do know some people with intense dedication who absolutely love journalling! Because this is something I want to try for 2018, I’d like to try my hand at the bullet journal! It’s a great twist on the classic book and pen, and it’s something I can customize – to draw, to write, to manage and track my year all in one place! How exciting is THAT!


2. Make a New Friend

This one can be kind of scary – but with big risks come big rewards! Since I’m starting the year on a co-op term, I have the perfect opportunity to make many new friends quickly and all-at-once! It’s only been two weeks and I have already met some super amazing people. So, if you’re on a co-op term too, consider yourself blessed and check this off your list. If not, it’s still the start of a new term filled with new classes and plenty of new people to meet!


3. Try a New Activity

Here’s another one that totally scares me. But a new activity can mean so many things! Join a new club (the club fair is coming up, warriors), try a new sport, get that gym membership you said you would, plan a vacation somewhere new for your next term off, or, hey – take a new class or fun elective just because!


4. Read a New Book

(Photo source)

Okay, I know that the average university student has, like, no free time (ever) and that when free time comes up Netflix is definitely the superior choice, but let me tell you: books are better. It’s as simple as that! I’ve already picked up two new books for the year and added about five audiobooks to my queue – reading (or listening, too, I guess) will help you destress so much more effectively than TV. It’s a fun activity and definitely worth your while!


5. Do Something to ‘Better’ Yourself

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Do something that is just for you. Practice self-care! Something you want to do or try because you feel like it will make a meaningful change in your life. Maybe you’d like to try meditation, cut down to one coffee per day instead of three, go to bed earlier instead of watching Grey’s all night? Find something for you and only you to make yourself happy with the life you’re living!


Here’s hoping 2018 is your best year yet! Happy New Year HCXO.

Hey! I'm Kim, an undergraduate Health student at the University of Waterloo. I am passionate about health communication and policies, and I love making information beautiful & fun to read in all disciplines. My hobbies include watching Netflix, reading fictional novels - especially teen drama (there's no age limit on twilight), and buying stationery that I never seem to use. I hope you enjoy the content I've worked on, feel free to connect with me and let me know your thoughts!
Stephanie is a University of Waterloo alumni. In her spare time, she loves filming and creating YouTube videos. Check out her YouTube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Bizzarosmeszaros