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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

The Context:

The Fearless Girl statue went up in early March as a symbol to encourage corporations to hire more women, especially in leadership positions. As a business student, I was so excited to see people on Wall Street taking a stand to empower women in the workplace.


Source: http://fortune.com/2017/03/26/fearless-girl-statue-wall-street-bull-location-sexism-goldman-sachs/


The Issue:

The statue was given a time limit: April 2nd, but seeing the overwhelmingly positive feedback, Mayor De Blasio announced she will stay until February 2018 (USA Today). The media has erupted in celebration of the extended deadline, but I think we should hold off on the after-party. Only 7% of the CEOs of America’s largest companies are women (Huffington Post). 7%!!! The issue of women in leadership is as relevant as ever.


The Message:

As a student at Olin, the #1 business school (Poets & Quants), it is difficult to fight to for a successful career when I know the true probability of success for women in business. The significance of this statue for not only business women, but all women, is enormous and we have to rally for it’s permanent installation.


The Action:

Keep empowering women and encouraging them to stare down the bull! Sign the petition:








Washington University Class of 2019. College of arts and sciences, Psychology major with a minor in Design