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Hunter Matthews (2015)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.


Did you know that Wash U had a squash club? And that its president can do a backflip?!! Well I didn’t until now. A man of few words, Hunter Matthews loves James Bond, frozen custard, 80s rock anthems, and obscure sayings (“Too prime.” Excuse me? “Always a shot!” What does that even mean, Hunter?). Miscommunications aside, if you’re looking for a laid back, outdoorsy guy that can make you laugh no matter what, this week’s Campus Cutie is the guy for you.

Name: Hunter Matthews

Hometown: Washington D.C.

Major: Economics

On Campus Involvement: Kappa Sigma Rush Chair, Squash Club President

So uh…tell me about Squash Club. Well I went to a prep school for high school and had to play a winter sport. At the time I was too short for basketball and didn’t want to wrestle, so I decided to try it out and ended up sticking with it.

What’s your favorite place in St. Louis? Castlewood Park – I go hiking there. And Ted Drewes.

Favorite animal? Dog. Is that too boring?

A little. Least favorite animal? Parakeets. My roommate had them this summer and they always woke me up in the morning.

What’s your theme song? The Boys of Summer by Don Henley

Why that song in particular? Well I liked to blast it every Saturday morning this summer to get back at my roommate for the parakeets.

Favorite saying? Oh, there are too many. Probably “Can’t teach that.” Usually after I do something awesome I say that.

Proudest moment where you’ve used that? When I made a behind-the-back shot and EVERYONE SAW.

What’s your favorite article of clothing right now? Gotta be the aviators.

What did you want to be when you grew up? James Bond. I used to watch those movies with my dad all the time.

Celebrity boy crush? Zach Galifianakis

Celebrity girl crush? Jennifer Aniston in Friends

What qualities do you look for in a girl? Physically? Pretty eyes and a good laugh.

Personality-wise? She has to be outgoing and down to have a good time. And definitely has to have a good sense of humor.

Describe your dream date: We’d go hiking or canoeing or kayaking. And then we’d go to a comedy show or watch a funny movie.

Best/worst pickup line you’ve ever used? I actually did use one on the cook at sleep-away camp – her name was Ellina, and I asked her if it hurt when it fell from heaven. I was 10…

Blondes or brunettes? Brunettes

Do you have any secret talents? I can do a backflip! And I can hold my breath for two and a half minutes.

At the same time?! Only if you ask nicely.