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Genius Ways to Deal With Allergies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

If you’re like me, St Louis is a nightmare for your allergies. You wake up with a scratchy throat because your congestion has turned you into a mouth-breather. It’s hard to enjoy this lovely weather when you feel horrible and keep coughing up phlegm. 


Here are some smart solutions to your allergies so you can enjoy spring with the best of them!

1) Stay Inside


If you never leave your room you never have to suffer! Just find some knick-knack friends like spongebob did and watch TV. Nature is lame anyway. Inside is the new outside.

2) Wear a Surgeon’s Mask



Will this work? Only one way to find out! These are very popular in China to filter air, so maybe they filter out pollen. And maybe people will think you’re pre-med which is cool.

3) Cut Down All the Trees on Campus


Who needs them anyway? Always making that annoying oxygen stuff. No trees, no pollen, no problem!

Washington University Class of 2019. College of arts and sciences, Psychology major with a minor in Design