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Quick Leg Workout You Can Do in Your Dorm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Hey there Collegiettes!

No gym? No problem! Here is a quick leg workout fit for any dorm room! For those days when you just don’t have time to make it to the gym:

Do three sets with 1-minute rest between sets and about 15 seconds between each exercise! You’ll be feeling the burn by the end!!

1. 15 Sumo Squats: position your feet hips width apart with your toes pointing outward. Hold squat position for a couple seconds before coming back up.  


2. 20 lunges with twist (10 for each leg): Step forward into a lunge and make sure not to bend your knee past your toes. Rotate your core towards the direction of the bent knee, hold 5 seconds and rotate back. Return to your initial position and continue to alternate between legs.



3. 1 Min Wall-Sit: Position your back flat against the wall with your feet shoulder width apart. Slide your back down the wall until your legs are at roughly a 90-degree angle. Hold (keeping your core tight!!) for one minute.


4. 12 Step-ups (6 for each leg): Step onto the center chair with your right foot and straighten your right leg at the top. Keep the opposite leg behind you to help maintain balance. Slowly step downward and repeat. Complete all reps with one leg before switching sides.

Phew! We’re done! Good work guys!!


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Hi Demon Deacons! I'm Caroline and I'm a freshman here at Wake Forest. This year i'll be writing for "Haute and Healthy" and Campus Cutie! 
Hailing from Chicago, this Midwesterner turned Southern Belle is the Editor-in-Chief of Wake Forest University's chapter. When she isn't journaling for fun in her free time, she is obsessed with running around campus in giant sunglasses, wearing gold glitter eyeliner, and munching on trail mix. She's still struggling on saying "y'all" and not "guys" and has yet to try Cookout's legendary milkshakes. Follow her on twitter @Hmonyek!