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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

So much of the current beauty world focuses on different products, serums, cleansers, concealers and everything in between to try to get clearer, cleaner skin, but sometimes it takes a little bit of going back to the basics to really address the issue at hand. Here are some helpful tips and reminders for keeping some of the regular things you use clean if you feel like you’ve hit a dead end on skin care!

gif courtesy of: http://giphy.com/gifs/mean-girls-ouPK5Bi1M2G6k/links​

Wash your pillowcase weekly. If you can, try to stock up on a bunch so that you can change them every few days or so. No matter how many all-nighters your pulling, your face still spends a lot of time on the pillow and this can be a major source of bacteria and things that can clog up your skin. This goes hand in hand with making sure you take your make up off before going to bed, no matter how tired you are. Avoiding using scented dryer sheets or softeners when you wash them can also take away from things that could irritate your skin as well as using silk over cotton pillowcases. 

Clean your make up brushes regularly.  While it can be difficult to remember to clean them every day, using a spray cleaner quickly after you’re done applying your make up each day and wiping them down with a tissue can make a big difference in preventing buildup of bacteria and product that you are then spreading around on your face. Even a deep clean once a week can help by washing them in soapy water with either gentle bar soap or shampoo. You can use your hands to work the soap through the bristles and then reshape and leave them out to dry, just don’t leave them to soak! Soaking the brushes for a long period of time can warp wooden brushes and loosen the glue that holds bristles in place. 

Ulta Brush Bath Purifying Brush Cleanser, $18

  photo courtesy of: http://www.ulta.com/brush-bath-purifying-brush-cleaner?productId=xlsImpprod12391015​

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Abby Mohr

Wake Forest

Permanent resident of 8th floor ZSR, professional dog hugger, avid lover of Ignition remixes, and in a constant state of trying to get my life together.
Wake Forest Chapter of Her Campus