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Just Ask: In Need of Some Motivation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

Dear Her Campus,

I’m having trouble motivating myself to do my work, and i think my grades are suffering. What should i do?


Dear Anonymous,

Procrastination is one of the biggest struggles for college students. The first step you need to take is portioning out what you need to do. This will make doing your work easier. Make a list of everything you need to do, and split it into sections, with breaks in between. This way, you’re getting all of your work done, but the workload seems lighter because it is broken down into sections. Secondly, give yourself little rewards for every bit of work you to; a cookie for each chapter read, 30 minutes of your favorite show for every hour of homework, etc. Finally, make sure you always keep in mind your larger goal in life. It’s easy to lose motivation when college seems like just homework and test with no results or rewards. Picture anything you want to achieve in the future; your dream job, your dream house, your dream vacation, then hold onto this whenever you lose motivation. Let the dreams of your future inspire you to succeed today.

With Love,

Her Campus VT

Image sources: Created by Kaley Roshitsh

Kaley Roshitsh

Virginia Tech '18

After graduating with a B.S. in Fashion Merchandising and Design from Virginia Tech in 2018, Kaley moved to NYC to start her career with WWD – the authority on the fashion, beauty and retail industries. She is credited with the relaunch of Her Campus at Virginia Tech in 2016, serving as Campus Correspondent for 2 years, building the team to 55+ members while earning multiple Pink chapter level statuses (top-20% of over 330 chapters) and being awarded "Outstanding Organization of the Year" in 2018 at Virginia Tech. Other notable achievements include the annual "Media Mixer" gala and buildout of many strategic content initiatives.