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How to Snap Out of Break Mode

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

Thanksgiving break has ended and of course that means your professors are about to kick it into gear (and maybe kick your grade in the face in the process). So if you need a little help getting back into school routine, here are some tips and tricks.

Clean your space. Maybe you just feel like curling up in bed and watching Gilmore Girls all night, but that ship has sailed. Get out of bed and take a hard look around. Having a tidy space to work and study really invigorates students to stop laying around and start organizing their schedule. Maybe wash your sheets, or tidy your desk. Anything to make you feel more motivated to get going.

Turn off your phone. Give it a try for even just an hour. Focus on whatever it is you have to be studying and don’t even tempt yourself with the chance to be distracted. Just power it down your diversions and really make yourself work for a little while. This is sure to snap you out of break mode.

Improve your posture. This is a quick and easy way to refocus. If you find yourself in a cycle of Thanksgiving inspired procrastination that you can’t shake, try sitting up straight, squaring your shoulders and taking some deep breaths. Studying in bed or slouching over can trick your body into feeling like it’s time to relax or sleep, where you need to be doing the eight thousand things assigned for Wednesday.

Splash cold water on your face. A shock of cold water can reboot the system. It has a similar effect to a cup of coffee, wakes you up, makes you more alert, and focuses your mind. The colder the water the better. Plus, there’s the added benefit that cold water has on pores.

Image sources:  Pexels.com

I'm a Sophomore in the Statistics major here at Virginia Tech, and (fun fact) I have citizenship in three countries. LETS GO HOKIES
Kaley Roshitsh

Virginia Tech '18

After graduating with a B.S. in Fashion Merchandising and Design from Virginia Tech in 2018, Kaley moved to NYC to start her career with WWD – the authority on the fashion, beauty and retail industries. She is credited with the relaunch of Her Campus at Virginia Tech in 2016, serving as Campus Correspondent for 2 years, building the team to 55+ members while earning multiple Pink chapter level statuses (top-20% of over 330 chapters) and being awarded "Outstanding Organization of the Year" in 2018 at Virginia Tech. Other notable achievements include the annual "Media Mixer" gala and buildout of many strategic content initiatives.