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Meet Brian Dolan ’18!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Villanova chapter.
Name: Brian Dolan
Age: 19
Home town: Stonybrook, NY
Year: Freshman
Major: Mechanical Engineering and Economics
Fast Facts
Favorite Villanova Dining Location: Freshens
Favorite Villanova Study Spot: “I don’t study but if I had to choose, third or fifth floor Stanford lounge”
Favorite Music Artist/Band: Zac Brown Band
Mac or PC: PC
Dunkins or Starbucks: Starbucks
Dream Car: “I could be a Jeep guy”
What is one of your favorite memories at Villanova?
BD: “Doing this interview…but first day of warm weather at Villanova when everyone was outside”
What are you involved with on Campus?
BD: “Intramurals, Engineering Student Council, Villanova Consulting Group, Outdoors Club, Running Club, and I work at the Spit.”
What are you most looking forward to next semester?
BD: “Twenty credits and formals and another basketball season. My new bachelor pad in Austin Hall.”
Do you have any plans for the summer?
BD: “Oh yes, I am working at a catering hall and I’m interning at Aflac, going to the beach and playing soccer and basketball. Volunteering!”
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
BD: “Living on the beach in California, working as a manager at Google with a wife, two kids, a golden retriever, with a half-yard half-beach setting and an infinity pool.”
What would you do with $10,000 and only had one day to spend it?
BD: “Invest $2,000 in stocks, donate $3,000, give all of my closest friends and family $500 each.”
Do you have any secret talents?
BD: “I can juggle, I can dance, I can cook. I know lyrics to almost every song. I sleep well on airplanes. Profecient in air guitar, air piano and air drums.”
For the Girls..
Describe yourself in three words: ” “Smart, sporty and sensitive”
Relationship  Status: Searching for “the one”.
Best quality in a girl: Nice eyes.
Deal breakers: “Smoking. Someone who can’t have a good time without drinking. Bad laugh.”
Dream Date: “A night time home-made dinner on a roof top in the city overlooking the beach in L.A.”
Celebrity man-crush: “Josh Duhamel”
Megan Cahill is a Junior Marketing and International Business Co-major at Villanova University. She is the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Villanova. A Boston native, she enjoys coastal living, iced beverages, and occasionally using the word wicked as an adjective. You can often find her brainstorming in Bartley, adding items to her multiple online shopping carts, and planning her next travel excursion. Follow her on Instagram, @megancahill15