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Evolution of Thoughts During Your Diet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Villanova chapter.

So, you’ve said it a million times, but today is the day you’re finally going to start your diet. You’re ready to do this.


But it has only been three days and you’re already sick of eating salads.


So, you need to start looking for other meal options. 


Going super hard the first time you go to the gym.


Then staring at yourself in the mirror for hours afterwards.


Shit. There’s a bakesale on campus.


It would be rude to not buy at least ONE cookie. The money’s going to a good cause. 



Hating yourself immediately afterwards for caving in so soon.


The disappointment leads to binge watching netflix and eating chocolate.


So you finally acknowledge that it’s time to give up.



Rising sophomore at Villanova University pursuing a Major in Communication.