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Combat Midterm Madness!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Villanova chapter.

It’s that time of the year again. Syllabus week is long gone and the days of midterms are upon us. Just when you’ve gotten used to your schedule, you glance at your planner and notice that every professor has scheduled tests and papers to be due during the same week. All of a sudden, it feels like the world is crumbling at your feet. This sick joke that professors like to play on us midway through the semester can have serious mental, physical, and emotional effects on students. Sleep is replaced by energy drinks and healthy eating habits go down the drain. Social lives become nonexistent and so do the seats in the library.

It is important to give yourself some extra TLC during midterm week so that you don’t look like the walking dead. Here are some tips that will help you feel alive and ready to tackle your midterms:

1. Write it all down
No matter how many times you may glance at your syllabi per day, it is important to write down all of your assignments and their due dates in one place. Organize your assignments by day and map them out in order of importance. Set clear and realistic daily goals for yourself and check them off as you accomplish each one. Not only will this make you feel more organized, but it will feel so rewarding to see things checked off of your “To Do List”!

2. Find a study spot that works for YOU
The Library may not be the most effective place to study. During midterms week, the library can be the busiest and most stressful place on campus. Fighting for a place to study will definitely not decrease your stress levels and neither will being around a library full of stressed out students. Try getting off campus and studying at your local Starbucks or Panera. The classrooms in Tolentine and Mendel Hall are also highly underrated and are always available at your disposal.

3. Be realistic about your study habits
If you’re a person that likes to study in groups, do what works best for you! Study groups can fun and very productive for some students. If you like to study in groups, make an agenda so that you can stay on task. Schedule in 15 minute breaks for every productive hour or play a fun game with your study group. If you know that you’re not going to productive while studying with your best friends, don’t be afraid to study on your own. Bring your headphones along if music helps you focus. Try out a classical station on Pandora so that you’re not distracted by singing along with your favorite tunes.

4. Munch on healthy snacks
Energy drinks are not exactly the healthiest route to take while trying to enhance productivity. Try snacking on foods like almonds, trail mix, carrots, or small pieces of dark chocolate. Replace sugary energy drinks and sodas with water or green tea. Your brain and body will thank you for it later!

5. Take a breather
Don’t forget to take time out to enjoy the simple things in life! Make a list of things that make you happy and reward yourself after hard study sessions. Take a walk over to Hope’s Cookies for some frozen yogurt or prance on over to the Davis Center for a free yoga class. Do not stay stuck inside all day! Fresh air and sunlight will do the body good and will help you maintain your sanity!

6. Dress the part
As much as midterms may make you want to throw on your favorite yoga pants and Villanova sweatshirt, don’t give in! If you look good, you’ll feel good! Check out our article “Midterm Week Chic” for extra tips on comfort and style during midterm week!

Midterms are not the end all be all of your college career. If you don’t make the grade, revamp your study habits for the second half of the semester. Have faith in yourself and remember that one grade will not define you!

Samantha Galasso is from Wilton, CT and is the founder of both the Providence College and Villanova University chapters at HC. In her spare time, she enjoys napping, sarcastic commentary, inappropriate jokes, hanging out with her fellow Pi Phi sisters, "Friends" marathons, and general activities being ”liked” by the mass majority of people on Facebook. Her goals in life include writing the next great American novel and making the Billionaire Obituary in Forbes.