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5 Stages of Registration Week as told by Gossip Girl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Villanova chapter.

Registration for classes next semester is around the corner and you can’t help but feel like a total dork for getting excited about picking new classes for next semester. With the excitement also comes stress, anxiety, and nerves as well. Just make sure to breathe and be patient during registration week because it can take an emotional toll on you. Here are 5 stages of registration week as told by Gossip Girl.

1. Dream schedule time. Before registration is actually open to anyone, you have your dream schedule set on schedulr. You have the best teachers at the best times and all of the classes that you want. You even have a back up schedule that is equally as amazing as your dream schedule. As you look at your perfectly planned out schedule you’re all smiles and couldn’t be happier.

2. Registration time. Although you weren’t lucky enough to have a first or second registration time, you aren’t worried. The classes that you want only have a few people in them, and of course there will be room for you … right? You start growing a little anxious seeing other people finalize their schedules and you wonder if your dream schedule is still possible.

3. Hunger games time. It’s the day of your registration time, and you’re in full on hunger games mode. You check schedulr every half hour just to make sure your classes still have room. You have a breakdown when one of your classes fills up and look aggressively to find a new one to replace it. By this time you’re stressed and anxious. Although you have lost some of your dream classes already, you’re praying your other ones don’t fill up, too.

4. Actual registration time. You sit on your computer the entire hour leading up to your registration time, watching each minute tick by. Your palms grow sweaty and you practice copy and pasting CRNs as quickly as possible to ensure you get that last spot in the class you really want. Your eyes grow dry as you stare at the clock for the final minute without blinking. When the time changes over you immediately copy and paste the CRNs in a wild frenzy going as fast as you can. You’re not even human anymore. You just hope you register quick enough to get a few of the classes you want. 

5. Post registration time. After the dust settles and you can actually breathe again, you calmly go back and check what your actual schedule looks like because you don’t even know what classes you’re in. After careful investigating you realize despite your “horrible” registration time, your schedule isn’t so bad. You probably have a few of the classes that were on your dream schedule and the classes that weren’t are actually pretty good, too. Everything happens for a reason, and maybe you’ll experience your favorite class ever when you didn’t even plan on it. If you’re really unhappy, you can still email the head of a department and try to squeeze your way into a class, but if not there’s always next semester.

Happy registering wildcats!