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5 Reasons To Be Excited for Parents Weekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Villanova chapter.

1. Being forced to finally clean your room

So, you’ve been at school for a month now.  Have you even touched your vacuum yet? Maybe you thought about using it.  Folded that laundry from last week? It will probably remain sprawled across your floor for a few more days. Made your bed? You definitely gave up on that after the first week.

Parents weekend is the perfect time to get your shit together and make your room spotless so it’s presentable for your family. Clear room, clear mind.



2. Introducing Your Parents to Your Friends

After all those texts saying “Who are you with?” from your parents, they can finally put a face to the name! Take the time to introduce your parents to all the new friends you’ve made and prove that (yes, mom) they do actually exist. 



3. Shopping

The first few weeks of school, everything was great financially. Your account had loads of money in it from your summer job, so you ordered Chinese, splurged on that concert ticket, and took a few Ubers. Suddenly, you check your balance and it reads $0.35. Well, shit.

Wanting that cute J-Crew shirt but can’t afford it? Take your parents to the mall! King of Prussia is literally only 15 minutes away and they won’t be able to resist your puppy dog eyes when you ask for it.  




“Café Nova again? We had that every night this week.” If you’re like me, you get bored of campus food real quick.

Although it may not be as delicious as the homemade meal you’ve been craving, having your parents here is the perfect reason to go out to a real restaurant. Savor every moment of it.

Recommended: Nudy’s Café for breakfast, Christopher’s for lunch, White Dog Café for dinner.



5. Quality Time

For many (freshman especially), this may be the longest time you’ve been away from your parents. After spending a great weekend with them, you’ll truly realize how much you’ve missed them. So enjoy it!

Rising sophomore at Villanova University pursuing a Major in Communication.