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5 Important Things to do at the Beginning of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Villanova chapter.

While you’re busy getting into a new routine and a new semester, you need to realize that you’re not on vacation anymore and it’s time to get to work. You may not have a lot of homework or big assignments for the first two weeks of school, but you definitely have items that need to get done. Here are 5 important things you should be doing at the beginning of the spring semester.

1. Get organized. First and foremost, in order to have a successful semester you must get organized. Every person has her own way of doing it, but the most important thing is to do it. Don’t procrastinate because being unorganized can lead to forgotten assignments, misplaced books, and all nighters. Make sure you mark important dates for school like tests or papers as well as important dates for your social life like basketball games or holidays. You don’t want to miss a Nova game at the Wells Fargo Center because you forgot to write a paper that’s due on Monday. Instead, plan everything out and stay on top of it in order to have a smooth semester.

2. Look for a job or internship for the summer. Even though it is only January, it is important to think about what you’ll be doing once the semester is over, and now is the perfect time. You won’t be drowning in work or pulling all nighters this early in the game, so this is the perfect time to clean up your resume and start the job search. It also never hurts to get a jump-start and be ahead of the curve. Your future employers may be impressed that you reached out so early in the semester, which may give you an advantage in the long run. Finally, when everyone else is stressing out about trying to get an internship mid-semester on top of all the tests, papers, and projects, you will have one less thing to worry about.

3. Get lunch/dinner dates with friends. The first few weeks of the semester are the prime weeks for actually sitting down for a meal. You don’t need to grab lunch to go so you can finish a reading or skip dinner because you don’t want to lose your spot at the library. Although you may see your friends all weekend or maybe in class, sitting down for lunch or dinner can be really important. You can talk about real things or ask for advice and the time spent is much more special than a quick “hey” as you sprint from Garey to Bartley. Try to get dinner or lunch in the beginning and try to make it a weekly or monthly date, so you can stay updated on your friends’ lives. Setting a designated time to sit and talk is good because you won’t forget to tell them something important and they’ll actually be listening as opposed to sending a text or trying to tell them while getting ready for a night out.

4. Catch up with old professors. Like we just mentioned, the beginning of the semester is the perfect time to sit and actually have conversations with people. Of course your friends are your main priority, but what about that teacher that said they were going on a cool trip over break or maybe one whose class you really enjoyed? Send them a quick email and ask to get lunch or coffee. You can even ask them when office hours are and plan to stop by to chat with them. This is the perfect way to keep in contact with professors and keep them updated on your life because they really care about you. Staying in touch with a professor can also help if you need recommendations in the future.

5. Call your parents. Although you have only been at school for a few weeks, your parents definitely miss you – and admit it – you miss them, too. Before your work piles up and you get a text from your mom saying “are you alive?” because you haven’t talked to her in weeks, get out your phone and call her now. They’ll be really excited to hear how your classes are going and how your friends are. It really doesn’t matter what you talk about on the phone, just the fact that you called them will brighten their day.

Before the real schoolwork gets going, be sure to do these 5 things and you will thank yourself later!