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10 Things You Really Did Over Break According to The Kardashians

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Villanova chapter.

10 Things You Really Did Over Fall Break According to the Kardashians 

1.     Slept all day, everyday. 

2.     Ate (more like inhaled) non-campus food. 

3.     Binge watched a whole season of a show on Netflix.

4.     Drank wine while binge watching Netflix.

5.     Spent a lot of quality time with family.

6. Spent too much quality time with family.    

7.     Drank some more alcohol to deal with family. 

8.     Thought about all the work you had to do.

9.    Shopped ‘till you dropped (and forgot about all the work you had to do).

10.  Cried about having no money left and about the loads of work you have to do.

11. Drank some more to forget about all your #struggles.