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Staying Motivated After Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

We’ve all still got spring break on our minds. Whether you slept, partied or caught up on a bit of a homework, it is usually difficult to get back into your pre-spring break routine. Here are some tips on how to stay on track after spring break:

1. Establish a good sleeping schedule.

Yes, you wanted to make the most of spring break by going to bed in the wee hours of the morning and waking up at 1 p.m., but that’s not going to cut it now you’re back in class. You should make an effort to go to sleep and wake up at reasonable times to enhance your productivity during the daytime. Let’s be honest, getting less than five hours of sleep results in heavy drowsiness and lack of focus the following day. Don’t do that to yourself!

2. Schedule and prioritize.

Get yourself a cute little planner and write down the dates of future quizzes, exams, project due dates and assignment deadlines. This will serve as a visual reminder to prioritize your time and space out your studying so that you aren’t stressed while cramming at the last minute!

3. Reward yourself.

You want to binge watch a show on Netflix? Get all your homework done, study a bit for that test next week and then do just that! That way, you will not feel guilty about wasting time or not being productive. I like to maximize my time during the week to get a lot of important things done. Then, I typically hang out with friends and just have “me time” all Friday after class. I reserve Saturday and Sunday for getting ahead on next week’s assignments, but I spend the weekend evenings doing fun stuff! Having little breaks here and there helps reenergize and motivate me.

4. The end is in sight!

You should always focus on the desired outcome. Visualize logging into Blackboard at the end of the year and seeing that you have a 4.0 for the semester because you worked hard and stayed focused. Use that visual as motivation to keep on trying your best, and doing whatever it takes to accomplish your goals for the semester. Go to S.I. sessions, form a study group and seek help from your professors if needed. You want to enjoy your summer vacation knowing you finished the year strong!


Image sources: imgflip.com, hmhco.com, images.sodahead.com, prettydarncute.com, 3.bp.blogspot.com, consciousdivas.com

Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!