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An Open Letter to My Fake Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

To the fake friends,

When I went through a break up, none of you were there for me. The girl I thought was my best friend turned on me and acted as if I did not exist anymore. You left me alone on a Friday night and let me cry my heart out. You acted as if my feelings were non-existent. It took me a couple of days to get back into a normal state of mind and once I was, I started to see the type of friends you all were.

To the instigator, I should have seen this a long time ago. You always seemed to push us into arguments, usually telling the other what we had told you in confidentiality. I always had a feeling you wouldn’t be there for me, and I should not have expected you to stay neutral. You always acted like you were the one who needed a final say in my relationship, which I will never understand because I never once tried to rule over your relationship, as you did with mine.

To the bystander, you always acted like you wanted to help me with my own issues, but when it came down to it, you weren’t there. How could you stand there and let him hurt me so bad? When I would finally stand up for myself, you would act as if he were the victim when his feelings would get hurt, like he would do to mine time and time again before I would try and correct him.

Finally, to the two-faced best friend, I will never understand what caused you to treat me like you did. Even before everything happened you seemed to start distancing yourself from me. We would hang out and you would agree with everything I had to say about my relationship or my problems, however, as soon as I would leave the room you were right there bashing me.

So to the people who I thought were real friends, thanks for showing me what fake friends you were and exactly how to deal with them. Thanks for also showing me who my actual friends were and what real friends are actually like.


The girl who found her real friends

Photo Credits: Cover, 1

Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!