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How to Survive a Boring Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Everyone in college has had or will have at least one boring class over the course of their college years. For myself, it was my Introduction to Anthropology course last semester. I really enjoyed the course material, but I had trouble finding my professor’s way of explaining the material interesting. Here’s how you can make it through a boring class without snoring:

1. Bring a cold drink to class

Grab a drink at the Starbucks on campus or even just bring a bottle of water. By having something cold to drink, you can use it to help you stay awake and aware when you are listening to your professor drone on.

2. Choose a seat at the front

It has been scientifically proven that students are more likely to pay attention in class when they sit in the front row. This place in the classroom means you have all eyes on you so you feel the responsibility to behave.

3. Take notes during the class

By taking notes in class you are keeping your brain awake. This is also helpful when your professor gives you a hint about your next test.

4. Read the material before class

Reading the material before class ensures you have a base understanding of the topics that will be covered in class.

5. During pre-reading, make questions for your professor

These questions can help you stay involved in the class and it can also ensure that your professor knows you are paying attention.

6. Leave your phone on silent and in your bag

This is just obvious. We all know that if your phone is anywhere you can see or feel it your automatic instinct is going to check it. Take my advice and lock it up.

7. If you are on your laptop, don’t check social media.

This is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. You open your email and one things leads to another, you end up with Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest all open.

8. Get enough sleep

By getting enough sleep you are at a lower risk of falling asleep in the middle of class and being called out by the professor in front of the entire class.

9. Take a quick break to the bathroom

If you start to feel bored or even tired, give yourself a break by taking a quick bathroom trip. You can relieve yourself as well as splash your face with some cold water to help you wake and refocus on the lecture.

10. Find a topic in the lecture of interest to you

When looking over the lecture material beforehand, look for specific topics that catch your interest. These are points that you can look forward to learning about in class, therefore, keeping your attention.

To those who have survived, or are currently working to survive, a boring lecture good luck. Just remember no matter how boring the class gets you can get through it.

Photo Credit: Cover 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Autumn is a junior at Virginia Commonwealth University studying Forensic Science with a concentration in Biology and minors in Anthropology, Biology, and Chemistry. She has an addiction to Starbucks and Panera Mac and Cheese and can usually be found with her nose in a book during her free time. She is also an active member of VCU's Rowdy Rams and the Forensic Science Student Club. In her free time, she loves to watch movies and hang out with her friends and family; including her beloved dog, Jake.
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!