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Her Campus VCU 4th Birthday Fest

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Her Campus VCU celebrated its fourth birthday on Saturday at Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief Sarah Pentecost’s off-campus house. The theme was music festival!

Image cred: Sarah Thaw

Attendees wore their best flower child outfits. They looked so cute!

Photo cred: Porcelyn Headen

Photo cred: Delaney Ambrose

Everyone signed the Her Campus VCU birthday card and we even had a cake!

Photo cred: Mallory Shriver

Photo cred: Porcelyn Headen

We also had live music! Lucy Dacus, VCU sophomore, played first and sang us some of her original songs. She has a beautiful voice! Next up was VCU freshman Sam Tucker. He played some covers that were fun to sing along to! VCU junior (and former Campus Celebrity!) Macon Mann made a quick appearance just before local musician (also a former Campus Celebrity!) Dane Ferguson sang us some of his original tunes along with a cover of “Ignition.” The last performance was by members of the local band Dharma Bombs, whose cover of “The Nightman” had everyone dancing and singing along! 

Photo cred: Craig Zirpolo


‘Like’ Lucy Dacus on Facebook

Listen to Lucy Dacus on Bandcamp and Soundcloud

Photo cred: Porcelyn Headen

Follow Sam Tucker on Twitter and Instagram @guitaronthereg

Listen to Sam Tucker on Soundcloud

Photo cred: Craig Zirpolo


Follow Dane Ferguson on Twitter @daneferguson and Instagram @danefergusonmusic

Listen to Dane Ferguson on Bandcamp

Watch Dane Ferguson’s videos on YouTube

Watch clips from his performance at the party on Instagram @zirpolorva

Photo cred: Mallory Shriver

‘Like’ Dharma Bombs on Facebook

Check out some of their music on this YouTube channel

Photo cred: Sarah Pentecost

Will Steiner and Bryan Duffy held down the fort all night and made sure there was nothing fishy going on. These guys are the *official* Her Campus VCU security team!

Photo cred: Sarah Pentecost

See all photos from the party on our Facebook page in the Her Campus VCU 4th Birthday Fest photo album.

Sarah is from Lynchburg, Virginia but has lived in Richmond since attending Virginia Commonwealth University in 2012 where she studied Mass Communications with a concentration in print journalism. She began contributing to Her Campus at VCU as a freshman and was developed to lead the chapter as Campus Correspondent for two years where she increased membership by 65% and brought the chapter ranking from bronze level to platinum level. She enjoyed attending both the mid-atlantic conferences held with the chapter at the College of William & Mary and Her Conferences held in NYC.  Sarah currently works in the tech industry in marketing. She has a background in communications, hospitality and nonprofit consulting. She still loves attending VCU basketball games and also loves live music. In her free time, she likes going on long walks with her dog, tending to her house plants and cycling around downtown. Fun fact: she has never owned a car and is a community advocate for public transit. Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn.