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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.
Two years ago, when I was just a mere freshman, new to the Her Campus Vanderbilt world, I interviewed one of the weirdest people I knew: Abigail Roux. Little did I know that I’d become the Campus Correspondent for Vandy Her Campus, she’d eventually become a member (who makes dope Frank Ocean playlists), and that we’d be roommates as we conquer second semester junior year together. Now that we’re two years wiser and no less lost in this world, here’s an updated Campus Cutie profile on the one and only [all hail the] Gail.
Major: Technically Chemical Engineering… But… I’m probably going to transfer to Arts & Sciences because I don’t know what I want to do with my life.
Now: She’s a Neuroscience major working in a lab extracting mice eyeballs and dosing them up with Cialis because mice need love too. Fun stuff!
Favorite Place To Eat On Campus: Food For Thought in Central Library!
Now: Grins!!!!!!!
What Do You Do In Your Spare Time: Hang with friends and go to Frisbee practice which is pretty much hanging out with friends… And knit.
Now: As a “social member” of the Frisbee team she pretty much still spends most of her time hanging out with her disk throwing friends without having to actually get on the field and do any of the disk throwing herself. She also is an avid watcher of Instagram stories and goes to just about every on-campus event there is.
Favorite Song At The Moment: An acoustic cover of ‘Wild World’ that I heard on Spotify’s Afternoon Acoustics playlist one day. It’s very calming.
Now: The entire Channel Orange album by Frank Ocean, no doubt. If she tells you otherwise, she’s lying.
On-the-go Munchie Mart Breakfast or sit-down-&-relax Dining Hall Breakfast: I go to Munchie Mart for breakfast a lot, but I love omelets. Well, who doesn’t love an omelet? But I also value sleep, so Munchie Mart breakfast, I guess.
Now: There’s currently a quiche from Grins sitting in our refrigerator waiting to be enjoyed for breakfast tomorrow so I think it goes without saying that she’s a dining hall gal, if you consider Grins to be a dining hall, rather than a Munchie Mart scoundrel.
Favorite Quote: A head full of fears has no space for dreams.
Now: “Butter knife, what a life” yup… that’s a Frank Ocean lyric. 
Muna Ikedionwu

Vanderbilt '19

Muna is studying Medical Humanities & The Arts and Corporate Strategy at Vanderbilt University. She loves supporting small businesses, watching indie films on weekends, and can talk for hours about anything from the newest addition to her skincare routine to how the digitization of political news has changed society for the better. Her motto is "Be fearless. Be authentic. Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters."