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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.

We all have seen the mile-long line at during lunchtime at Rand – the famous new Bowl options being offered during lunchtime. With a wide array of grains, meats, veggies, and other toppings, it is easy to get overwhelmed. Personally, I stick to my tried-and-true Bowl combinations; I see other people doing the same. When the dining hall staff asks their first question — “What grain would you like?” —  I would say 80% of people go with what they know. The superfood, the food item that has risen to popularity: quinoa. Little do they know there is an even more protein-packed and nutritious option sitting in the container right beside it.

Freekah! Though people may be hesitant to try this “new” grain due to its lack of mainstream media attention, I would recommend you give it a try. Admittedly, I only know this grain because of my vegetarian older sister, who would make me ingest odd, novel food items. She made Farro one night for dinner, and it encouraged me to open my mind and try things whose names were a little foreign and concerning. However, I recommend everyone give it a try! Everyone but those of us who are gluten-free – it is a younger version of wheat, so it will not be safe for those with Celiac disease or an intolerance.

Freekah has a smokey, chewy, and nutty texture that is perfect when mixed with other items in the Bowl line. It has always been an essential food in Eastern Mediterranean diets, but it has only recently crossed the ocean. Freekah is low in fat, and high in fiber and protein; it has both more protein and twice as much fiber as its fellow ancient grain. This high fiber content means that you will be feeling full past your afternoon classes, a tough gym workout, and right through dinner! It is also high in zinc, calcium, and iron, which are equally important components of a healthy diet. We’re lucky to have this new addition to our dining hall at Vanderbilt to make eating nutritiously an easy option – get your Freekah on!