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Four People You Should Thank This Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.
When you’re going around the dinner table telling your family what you’re thankful for, there are certain classic answers: family, friends, a college education. The list goes on. However, there are people to be thankful for who go unappreciated all the time. Here are four people who definitely impact your life that you might not have thought of this holiday season.
Your professors: They give hours of time planning lessons, working in their field, and helping you understand the material and prepare for the workforce. Thanking your professors would go a long way, especially since most people really don’t. 
The dining workers: All day, they feed thousands of hungry (and hangry) Vandy students. It’s a hard job and a genuine “thank you” would break up the monotony and brighten their day.
Your RA: If you’re on Commons, you probably have a lot of interaction with your RA, so you should thank them for all the work they do. Upperclassmen RA’s have a lot on their plates too, so reach out to yours this year. RA’s attend tons of meetings each week and put on and go to lots of programming to understand the Vanderbilt student experience.
The Vandy Van drivers: They literally stay up all night to haul you around campus. A kind and genuine expression of thanks will help them make it through their shift.
Saying thanks is such a small thing that will genuinely impact so many people on campus. We get a whole week off of school for Thanksgiving, so make it count.