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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

1. Travel The World

Deep down everyone wants to travel, and at this age it is important to go out and experience different places and cultures. Studying Abroad provides a way to travel out of you native country without the stress of planning and trying to figure everything out by yourself. 

2. Learn a New Language

Leanring a new language can be fun and benifical. Knowing another language gives you an edge in the job market. While studying abroad you have the chance to learn a language from native speakers which is much more helpful than learning in a small classroom. 

3. Fun Way To Earn Credits


This is one of the most enjoyable ways to earn credits and learn new things. Studying Abroad gives you the opportunity to earn credits while learning to belly dance, visiting the Eiffel Tower, eating authentic sushi, and experiencing the world!  

4. Taste New Foods

More than likely you have been to an “authentic’ Chinese or Mexican food, but studying abroad will give you the chance to try new exotic foods. For any food lover the thought of trying new delicious foods is reason enough to go abroad. 

5. Make New Friends

More than likely your best friends will not be on the trip with you, but that is perfectly fine because you will be able to meet new fun people. Besides people from stateside you will have the chance to meet locals and natives!

6. Spend Summer Break In A Foreign Country

This reason speaks for itself! Spending a portion of your summer abroad will be one of the best experiences of your life!  


Toni Miles is a Mass Media Major with aspirations of writing, producing her own documentaries, and directing short films in the future. 
Her Campus at Valdosta State.