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5 Things They Never Told Us About College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Freshmen, you’ve finally made it through your first month of college. (Phew!) For some of you, the college experience so far has probably been everything you hoped it would be and more. As for others, it might not be what you were expecting and it may be more than what you bargained for. Here are 5 things we probably all would’ve liked to know before coming to college:

1. Don’t make it a priority to go to the same college as your friends

In the movies, there’s always that small group of friends who knew each other since kindergarten and decide to go to college together. It sounds like the best thing ever, but really, it holds you back. If you’re so comfortable with a particular group of friends that you’ve always known, it’s likely you’ll be less encouraged to meet different types of people and make new friends.

2. Your grades in college may differ from your grades in high school

You might experience a change in your grades or GPA from the end of high school to the end of your first semester of college, which is completely normal. It seems really frightening at first, but you just have to remember that college work is on a completely different level than high school work. This doesn’t mean that you’ve lost any IQ points or became stupid; it may just mean that you need to find ways to cope with the transition such as joining a study group, getting a tutor or asking for extra help from your professors.

3. Don’t be in such a rush to find “bae”

It can be so tempting to jump right into finding that special someone once you come to college, especially with all the freedom you have and all the fresh faces you see on campus. This sounds really cliché, but college is really a time when you learn a lot about yourself. It’s a little hard to do that if you’re trying to learn a lot about someone else at the same time. Take some time to get to know yourself first.

4. You’ll lose some friends from back home

With everyone off in different places doing different things, it becomes really hard to stay in touch with your friends that stayed home or went off to other colleges. But don’t freak out, it’s completely normal. A part of growing up and learning about yourself includes realizing you have friends who really matter, and some who don’t.

5. You CANNOT hide out in your room

I seriously can’t stress this enough. If you came to college alone, not knowing anyone else on campus, your room probably seems like the safest and most comfortable place to be. But the truth is, staying in your room all the time is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when you first come to college. You have to get out and go meet new people! How do you expect to do that if you’re constantly in your room? Besides that, it’s just not good for your health. You need socialization to stay sane. Why stay cooped up, surrounded by the same four walls when you could be out enjoying Valdosta’s beautiful campus?

College is what you make it. If the transition has been tough for you so far, keep these things in mind and just give it time. Remember, college is supposed to be the best years of your life!

Her Campus at Valdosta State.