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10 Types of Twitter Users We All Can’t Stand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Twitter: the virtual land of individuals who find it their duty to post any and everything that comes to mind. When it comes to most of your followers, you may find that you’ve followed them simply because they’re interesting, funny, or even relatable.

But then there are those followers who make you question your own decision making in regards to how you even began to follow them in the first place. *Cringes* Listed below are a group of tweeting individuals we all can’t seem to stand:

1. The “attention seeker”

Example tweet: I have no one to go to the movies with! I must be unattractive :(.

This person loves (and I truly mean loves) to tweet about how lonely they are, how no one ever chooses to hit their phone line, or even how many friends they don’t have. The majority of the time they’re looking for a reply from someone and nine times out of ten they get the reply they’re looking for. Ick! FYI: even virtual attention seeking is annoying. 

2. The “serial promoter”

Example Tweet: YOU’RE TRULY MISSING OUT IF YOU’RE NOT AT [insert party name here] GOING DOWN AT [insert venue here]!!! GET THERE OR HEAR ABOUT IT!

Oh, how these users make scrolling through our timelines excrutiating, especially when they’re tweeting in all caps. They show no mercy when it comes to promoting whatever it is that they need to promote. If they want you to see it, then you will see it… 20 times in a row.

Yes, we get that your party will be “live” and we’re lame if we don’t attend.


3. The “captain obvious/news reporter”

Example tweet: It’s raining outside. *5 minutes later* It’s not raining anymore.

There’s always that one user who posts the most mundane things along with news that everyone else knows or has already heard about. Sometimes they’re even late with their news reporting. Hey, we all know that there has been another theft on campus. No need to be the 50th person to post it. 

4. The “male/female basher

Example tweet: 

Male Basher: All guys are nothing but cheats and liars! Ugh!

Female Basher: If I had a dime for all the conniving girls I’ve encountered in the world then I’d be one rich man.

These types of users’ anger and frustration for the opposite sex often stems from personal and most recent experiences which they eventually vent to Twitter about. They’re so adamant on letting everyone know how horrible the male/female population is that they’re unaware of the fact that they appear to be bitter. Take about three chill pills, we beg of you.

5. The “lurker”

Example: (favorites your tweet from 5 days ago)

This person will literally retweet/favorite all of your tweets. They aren’t as annoying as others, however, they’re not as incognito as they try to be. 

6. The “over-sharer”

Example tweet: I’m glad I remembered to bring my phone with me during this trip to the bathroom

This person reveals everything that’s going on in their life and you sometimes cringe at their detailed rants which may range from drama going on in their relationships, why their life is in shambles, or just gross facts about them that you’d rather not know about. Sure, Twitter is used as a platform for individuals to freely express themselves but – sheesh – keep some of your personal business under wraps, why don’t you.

7. The “douchebag”

Example tweet: @TheDouchebag: Ever thought it could just be you that sucks? RT @randomtweeter: Why must my Monday’s always suck?

This tweeter has a rude comment for each and every thing anyone ever posts. They will criticize and dissect tweets to no end, awaiting someone to challenge them. Your best bet with this tweeter is to unfollow AND block them because they will grind your gears until there won’t be any gears left to grind. 

8. The “humble bragger”

Example tweet: People always tell me how really pretty I am so I guess I’m really pretty :)))).

You’ve seen this super self-loving tweeter and you’ve probably thought they were so full of themselves and they often sometimes are. There’s nothing more aggravating than watching someone constantly brag about themselves through their tweets. What’s even more aggravating is that they try to brag about themselves in the context of a modest statement. 

9. The “lyricist master”

Example tweet: And really, I think I like who I’m becoming.

This person may seem very insightful and clever at first glance but you later learn that 90% of their tweets are song lyrics! Did you really think that we wouldn’t eventually find out your tweets are lyrics from Drake’s Take Care album?

10. The chronic subtweeter

Example tweet: You stopped texting me and now I feel like you hate me. I hope I’m wrong

It’s quite obvious when this tweeter is subtweeting about another person. Sometimes their passive-aggressiveness sparks attention and they attempt to claim that their post was “just song lyrics” or “not about anyone in particuar.” Yeah, right! We know you’re subtweeting because your subtweetee just subtweeted you back. 

*sips tea*

Rule of thumb: don’t become any of these Twitter users. 

Her Campus at Valdosta State.