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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWM chapter.

If Leslie Knope has instilled one nugget of valuable knowledge in me it’s, “Hos before bros. Uteruses before duderuses. Ovaries before brovaries.”

Trust me when I say guys are going to come and go; especially while you’re in your twenties. But you’re in luck! Your squad of gal pals will be with you every step of your struggle. My squad has celebrated my highs and kept me laughing during my lows. Not only have these outstanding ladies shaped me into the woman I am, they’ve become my second family and I owe so much to them. Throwing a Galentine’s Day brunch is the perfect excuse to get all your favorite hotties in one room and celebrate how extraordinary they are over your one true love: brunch food. Here is your fool-proof, seven-step plan to celebrate the amazing leading ladies in your life.



1. Pick the restaurant with the best mimosas and reserve your table. 

Café Hollander on Downer is Milwaukee’s clear choice.



2. Décor. Décor. Décor.

Honestly, if you don’t have Galentine’s Day decorations declaring to the entire restaurant what you’re celebrating, did you even have a Galentine’s Day at all?



3. You must have party favors.

How else will you show these amazing women how much they mean to you? With just your friendship? Uhm, lame.  



4. When choosing your restaurant, even though the quality of the mimosas should be at top of the priority list, the brunch menu must also be fire.

Again, the clear choice for this is Café Hollander on Downer.



5. Don’t forget to invite your friends. 

You might get too caught up in picking out the perfect party favor and searching high and low for the perfect mimosa but don’t forget to invite your gal pals. Just a simple Facebook event invitation will do. After all, this is the digital age.



6. Arrive at the restaurant 10 minutes before your reservation to set up the table.

Your girls will be delighted by the thoughtfulness of the pink napkins, giant sign and party favors marking their spots.



7. And finally, the most important part:

Enjoy the company of every single woman in your life while drinking the delicious mimosas and shoving your face with brunch.

PSA: You can find all your Galentine’s Day Brunch goodies at Target! 

Meet Lauren Nelson: A woman with a humanitarian heart from a small town chasing after her concrete jungle ambitions.