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Your Personality Based on Your Favorite Place in the Library

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWF chapter.

John C. Pace Library has a special study spot for every kind of Argo. If you’re a snacker, write-all-nighter, or SMART Board enthusiast, Pace Library has a place for you. The accommodations in our library promote success for every study technique. The only issue with this is that students are effectively divided into study cliques. Summoned by the call of the textbook, students have a subconscious preference for a specific area of the library. Thus, they are unknowingly sucked into a study clique.

Nothing says more about your personality than where you gravitate in Club Lib. Those personality tests based on lipstick color and zodiac signs are outdated and unreliable. Prepare to have your personality laid bare upon the circulation desk. We can read you like an open book.

The First Floor:

You can’t be bothered with any extra travel time. Why should you? On the first floor, you’re closest to the exit, the coffee shop, and the dedicated librarians should you need assistance. Your proximity to the sitting area near the stairwell depends on your desire to communicate with others. You wouldn’t sit in the busiest channel of the library if you were afraid of seeing a sketchy ex. You’re open, focused, and undeterred by the constant flow of students.

The Second Floor:

There are two different sections of the second floor that must be addressed: The Great Good Place and the Sorority & Fraternity Section.

If you typically spend time in the Great Good Place, you’re probably a pal. You enjoy access to the microwaves and vending machines almost as much as the general atmosphere. You take pleasure in discussion with friends or classmates, tutoring sessions, and general snacking/working. You aren’t afraid to give or receive help. Bonus: You’re probably a Hufflepuff.

The Sorority & Fraternity Section is a restricted area. You don’t mean to exclusively make it a sorority/fraternity space, it just happens! Sisters/brothers are inseparable that way. You enjoy gathering where computers are abundant and situated in a way that allows you to socialize. You like to feel comfortable, laid back and content.

The Third Floor:

You probably came here to poop. I’m not judging. If you didn’t come here to poop, you’re a study carreller. You need a homework prison to help you focus. You’re a masochist with a to-do list and a caramel macchiato. You’re also obsessed with stall graffiti, Ethernet cords and not losing the carrel key. 

The Fourth Floor:

All you want is some ever-loving peace! You need silence and you secretly enjoy the power of the Quiet Floor. If someone sneezes or chews a single chip, you can tell them to shut up. It’s your right. You aren’t afraid to be alone; in fact, you’ve chosen loneliness. On the fourth floor, you’ve effectively sacrificed the ability to communicate with other living beings. You’re the quiet, brave type who “goes it alone” and probably drinks really strong tea.

The Fifth Floor:

You want more from your library. You need more from your library. Gone are the days of touch-screen monitors and boring books! You need more than that! You need… a 3D Printer. Alright, maybe you don’t, but it’s nice to have one nearby. You’re either a nature lover or a gamer, you watch Netflix when you should be doing homework, and you like gentle whirring noises.

*The Stacks:

If you read between the book shelves, you’re a hopeless romantic who likes the smell of old paper. You frequently imagine that you’re a detective, travelling through novel and autobiography, deciphering the hidden secrets of mankind. It’s cute.

*The Basement:

Honestly, I don’t know what you people do down there but it must be interesting and secretive. You go, basement dwellers. Do ya thang.

You'll find me in my hammock between classes, drooling over volcano sushi rolls, or cross stitching in silence. I'm a maritime studies student with a dream of working on oceanic documentaries or founding Atlantis, whichever comes first.