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What it is Actually Like Living in College as Told by The Office

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Nothing can properly prepare a student to live in a dorm or how to suddenly be on your own and forced to make your own decisions in a completely new setting.  Yes, you can read articles and tips on the dorm life, and you can Facebook stalk your roommate to peek at what you are getting into, although no amount of preparation is enough. Here are some emotions that college students go through as we are forced to adjust our lifestyle. 

When you see someone you know in the hallway and you do everything in your power to avoid them

Immediately regretting going to the bathroom at this time. 

When you start watching a show on Netflix and someone comes in and talks to you the whole time

There is no such thing as a nice relaxing evening to yourself

When your friends make fun of you for staying in your room too much

If I want to stay in my dorm all day and eat I will 

Trying to fit in everything you wanted to do on Sunday 

You are just acknowledging how awful going back into the week is going to be.

When you go back home for the holidays  Trying to show off your newfound knowledge as much as possible to impress your family.

When your campus card balance gets into the single digits

Cue the frantic calls to home.

When you see someone you don’t like in the cafeteria 

If your friend doesn’t like them, neither do you. 

Going to the pet store because you miss your pet too much 

It’s the best stress reliever. 

When someone comes to you asking for food when they turned you down for the same thing earlier

Easy Mac is currency in these parts. 

When your roommate is still sleeping and you accidentally make a noise

And promptly feeling like the worst roommate ever. 

Living in a dorm isn’t always easy, but the people you meet and the experiences you have are worth it. Nothing can prepare you to live in a dorm, except for these gifs maybe. 

Katie is a student at UW-Stout majoring in Professional Communications and Emerging Media. Her hobbies including cuddling with her Golden Retriever, Dante, watching Netflix in her bathrobe, and of course, writing! 
Her Campus at UW-Stout