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7 Tips to Find Motivation to Practice Your Instrument

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

There has been a lot of studies that have been conducted to prove that playing an instrument is good for your brain. However, finding the motivation to learn and practice a new instrument or even one you have been playing for a while can sometimes be pretty hard. Here are some tips to stay motivated to practice your instrument:

1. Set Goals

When you set a goal for something, it may inspire you to achieve it. Setting a realistic goal from the small ones to the bit ones is really important. Write down what you want to accomplish and dedicate your practice time to work your way to completing your goal. It helps to keep your eye on the prize and keep you focused.

2. Have Accountability

Having someone to hold you accountable can be another great way to stay motivated to keep your goals intact. A mentor can be the perfect opportunity to stay focused and get the extra push you may need.

3. Use Different Techniques

Using some other techniques from instructors or ideas you have yourself can make you more willing to practice. Switching things up and taking breaks from old and boring things can make you find your long-lost motivation.

4. Go to Concerts or Events

Attending events that are inspirational such as other artists, bands or musicians can be a perfect way to motivate yourself to achieve what they have. If you keep an event or concert in the back of your mind, you’ll never forget about your dream.

5. Play Stuff You Like

A variety of musical styles to play is also a great start to having motivation to practice. If you have an instructor that wants you to follow a book or guide, ask them for other materials that cater to your interest for variety in essential techniques you should know and things you can enjoy while practicing.

6. Play With Someone Else

Playing music with others can really let your creativity flow. Together with a friend, you can create some new and interesting music. Collaboration can make for a fun time while teaching one another new things.

7. Don’t Burn Yourself Out

Playing while you are inspired can be super exciting. However, doing something you love can sometimes make it frustrating or boring. Rationing practice time is a good way to help yourself continue to love your instrument and time spent playing it. Sometimes, you just need to stop and take a break if it becomes frustrating and there is nothing wrong with that.Music should be fun! Being engaged with your music and instrument can inspire creativity and you won’t have to go searching for motivation. Take time and don’t frustrate yourself to be set on the right path to achieving your goals.

Erika is a Professional Communications and Emerging Media student at the University of Wisconsin - Stout.  She hopes to find a career in journalism after graduation to continue her love for writing. She loves fashion, dancing, and sleeping.
Her Campus at UW-Stout