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UVM Live College Guy Jay: Guy Code & Jealousy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

We’re introducing our Live College Guy Jay this weekend to answer all your guy questions!

Send him your questions about dating, sex, hooking up, etc via email
for him to answer on Her Campus UVM!

Email Jay at UVMLiveCollegeGuy@gmail.com


Q1: Does it really matter if I dress up and do my make up when going out (i.e. dress and tights) or do guys like it more laid back (i.e plain tank and jeans)?

This is a tough situation, because there are so many different kinds of guys out there, and given that fact, it all depends on the kind of guy you’re looking to attract. I know for a fact that there are guys that are looking specifically for a girl that is always done up and dressed to impress, but to be honest I see that as the more shallow approach.

If a guy needs to bank heavily on the fact that a girl knows how to dress up, then he’s blinded by pure appearance. In my opinion, I know I’ve found something special when i come across a girl with a care-free style of dress that seems to grab my attention from across the room. Any girl can get done up and go out and look like a doll, but that can only get you so far.

In the end, its also up to to how you feel. Some girls aren’t comfortable going out unless they spend hours on their appearance and some could care less. I would say go for the approach that you’re most comfortable with and the rest will follow. The best thing for any girl is to be comfortable in their own skin, and when that is achieved, it becomes the most attractive aspect.


Q2: How do I let a guy down nicely when a hook-up is going bad?

If you find yourself stuck in a situation with a “bad” hookup, then obviously the only way to go is out. As cliche as it may be, you should probably go ahead and be straight forward and clear. A lot of guys will only hear what they want to hear, so make it clear that your interactions have been fun but at the same time they have run their course.

There is no use sticking around with someone that is into you, but you have no more interest in. Its unhealthy for both parties. you don’t want him to get strung out in a situation that is going nowhere, so make it clear, and be nice. Be sweet and sincere and be honest. Try to avoid going out and getting caught with someone else… bad news bears. And to follow up, after you’ve made your intentions clear, try, try, try to avoid calling them at 2am on a Saturday when there is no one else around. That only creates a mess.

Q3: Do guys have guy code like girls have girl code when going out? (For example of girl code: If you are going out with only one girlfriend, never ditch her for a guy all night at a party)

Frankly, it depends on who the “bro’s” are, but for the most part there isn’t the same game plan between guys then there seems to be with girls. If a couple bro’s roll into a party and one finds a honey dip by the punch bowl, then he is well within his rights to tell his friends that he’ll be seeing them tomorrow for breakfast (if everything going smoothly). That’s what makes it harder, because that same girl probably has a friend that is telling her not to even talk to him and just dance in the corner because its “girl night”. Girls roll in tactical squads, while guys are much more mercenary on the weekends.

Q4: My guy and I can’t seem to stop arguing over his jealousy issues. In a guys point-of-view, how do I deal with this so It can finally stop?

Well if you’ve found yourself in a jealousy situation, then you have either bagged a dude who really cares a lot, or a psycho. hopefully not the latter. To best deal with situation it takes time and trust. I’m not sure if this relationship is in the early stages or not, but either way, he just needs to see that you are faithful to him.

Just because you speak to another male human being doesn’t mean that you were automatically thinking about taking him upstairs and giving him the best back massage of his life. You can do nothing but reiterate the fact that he is the apple of your eye.

If this goes on for some time, and his jealousy doesn’t disappear but rather increases, then you might want to bail for the reason that he may not ever trust you even if you haven’t done anything wrong. Or you just bagged a psycho as stated earlier…and that’s no fun either.