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New Study Spots Around Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

When I sat down to start writing this article, I thought, “Well, I like the library. I mean, it’s quiet, there are so many resources available, and it’s convenient.” But then I began to think of the other places on campus that I’ve really gotten work done in the past.


For example, have you ever been in Angell Lecture Hall? Well, there’s a classroom in the back, next to the women’s bathroom, that no one is ever in. There will occasionally be a group of students studying or something, but for the most part, it’s an empty classroom with a huge blackboard and a ton of seats. For those who learn best when in a learning environment, it seems like the perfect place to be.

A lot of students study in their common rooms. While this is a good tactic if you live on an upper floor, first floor common rooms are often loud and busy because of people walking in and out of your building. Try to find somewhere that no one will talk to you, no one will disturb you, and you can really just focus. While you can use this website to find out when classrooms are available, here is a list of good study spots around campus (in no particular order):


The floor above the Marché, otherwise known as the Fireplace Lounge

While busy during mealtimes, this cozy lounge offers good seating, direct lighting, and plenty of quiet.

Dana Medical Library

Need absolute silence? Go to the Medical Library. It’s conveniently located near the Bailey/Howe Library but it doesn’t receive the same “hustle and bustle” type of feel. If you’re going to the Med Library to work, you better leave all noisemakers at home.

The UVM Greenhouse

After this past week with temperatures nearing -30 degrees Fahrenheit, the greenhouse provides warmth and comfort while also providing benches for those students who want to study in a more tropical environment.

Billings Library

A lot of students forget that Billings used to be the Student Center on campus now that the Davis Center shines so brightly.
Though Billings has plenty of study corrals and plenty of peace and quiet that only the most experienced “UVMers” have come to know and love.

The 4thFloor of the Davis Center

Fourth floor of the Davis Center is one of the best study areas. There are comfortable chairs, lots of space, and barely anyone is ever there!