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Hot & Healthy: How To Dine Out Healthy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

For those of us who try and stick to healthy diet, dining out can be tough. It’s easy to throw all of your ideas about nutrition out the window when you’re out with friends for a special occasion. However, dining out does not have to mean eating poorly!

Here are some extremely doable tips for dining out AND sticking to your healthy diet:


1. Read the menu beforehand

If you read the menu before you’re too hungry, you’ll be more likely to choose the healthy option, rather than the unhealthy one that seems appetizing at the moment.


2. Have a snack first

Grab a small piece of fruit or a handful of almonds before you head to the restaurant. This way, you won’t be too ravenous and overeat.


3. Order first, before all of your friends

This way, you won’t succumb to an unhealthy option just because that is what your friends seem to be doing.


4. Choose an appetizer as a meal

Of course, appetizers can sometimes be too small to be satisfying. However, if you know the restaurant and know that they tend to give larger portions, appetizers can oftentimes be the perfect size.  


5. Eat slowly

If you eat slowly, you’ll be less likely to eat past the point of being full. And, if you don’t finish your meal, there’s your dinner for tomorrow!