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Hot & Healthy: Cheap & Healthy Eating on a Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

As economical as the pasta and ramen diet is for the college student, it’s not always the healthiest. Since cheaper foods are usually packed with salt and preservatives, I do my best to stray away from it. My roommates and I consider ourselves healthy eaters and often come up with odd meals that either hit the spot or make us plug our nose as we swallow. But that’s the fun of it all!

But we also consider ourselves cheap shoppers, always looking for a deal to snag. We’re just like every other college kid out there, doing our best to save as much money as we can to make rent or pay bills on time. So yes, being healthy on a budget is a very real thing. There’s no real science behind it but it does take a little more effort. It’s all about having an eye for deals and knowing what foods have the longest shelf life!


If you go to a supermarket like Hannafords, you can get some pretty sweet deals on apple varieties. Since apples are naturally packed with lots of fiber, they keep you full longer with a kick of energy.


I’m an on-and-off lover of hot oatmeal and find myself eating it more often when it’s colder outside. Since a large size container of oatmeal is around $3, you just can’t say no. I recommend mashing a banana to mix in with the cooked oats and stir in a tablespoon of creamy peanut butter. If you need a little bit more flavor, add a teaspoon of honey and some cinnamon.

Chickpeas & Black beans

Chickpeas and black beans are probably one of the least expensive items you can get. Sprinkle them on your salad or add them to your eggs with some cheese and salsa. Be sure to keep an eye out for the sodium levels in canned beans and try to opt for low sodium brands.


I’d call it somewhat of a dominant force in the health food world today. There’s quinoa everywhere and in everything because of how versatile it is. Invest in a small bag and it’ll go a long way.


I’d call myself somewhat of an egg freak. Egg sandwichs, stir-fry with eggs, poached eggs, fried eggs, scrambled eggs…I’m a lover of all! Since eggs are such a valuable source of protein, they’ll hold you over until it’s snack time!

Sweet Potatoes (or regular)

Sweet potatoes are one of the easiest meals you can ever make. All you have to do is pop it in the microwave for 10 minutes, flipping it over at around the 5-minute mark, and voila! You’re done. You can add some butter or hot sauce and eat it plain or you can cut it up to spice up a plain dish.

Frozen Veggies

Don’t forget to eat your veggies! Grab a bag of broccoli to add to your palate or some frozen edamame to snack on for later.

Peanut Butter

What doesn’t peanut butter go with? In fact, I just got a massive jar of peanut butter at the grocery store on special for only $3.50. If you want to add some flare to your pasta, consider an easy peanut sauce to mix in!

So next time you find your cabinets to be a little empty and your belly rumbling, whip out a pen and a piece of paper and brace yourself for some bargain grocery shopping!