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Touched By An Angel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Touched By An Angel

Mom I got it, I’m in a sorority!

And boy will I say do I love the majority.

She questioned, and probed me, and asked whose the best

“Tell me what girl is different from the rest,”

Honestly mom, there isn’t one girl I don’t adore

But fine…if you’re making me, there is one that did stand out more

She had this beautiful blonde hair that framed her flawless face

And her eyes did this squinty thing when she smiled with grace

That smile mom, it just captured my eye

Her actions were so genuine, that girl couldn’t tell a lie

But before I knew it our time together had past

“Mom,” I cried, this news is what I had imagined last

She slightly wept but managed to say,

Darling these angels can’t stick around till the end of our days

They come here and touch us, teach us to love

And leave us to realize the true message from above

Love those around you and embrace those you care for

And remember always the people who gave you everything and more

I knew from the beginning this girl was too good to be true

And these angels are tricky; they are here to teach you more about you

So let her beauty shine on you when the sun rises and the moon shines

And let the power of her spirit live in the actions of yours and mine.