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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

With finals just around the corner and papers piling up, it can feel like you’re drowning in work. It’s important to study, so you can ace these exams! But, it’s also important to take a deep breath every once in a while and relax. Everyone feels some stress and pressure to do well on exams. But anxiety in excess surely won’t help your test score. Use these tips and strategies to help de-stress yourself before the big exam. Your body (and your exam grade!) will thank you!


Working out releases endorphins which are proven to lift your mood and to make you happier overall! Take a break from studying one day, and run a mile or two on the treadmill. It’ll surely help to clear your head and wake you up from the drowsiness that can come with reading textbooks. If cardio isn’t your thing, try some yoga poses to meditate and reach your inner peace.

Listen to Music

Listening to music always pumps me up before the big test. Crank up the volume, turn on some of your favorite songs, and dance your heart out! Not only will it get you out of your study slump, but it will also give you a can-do attitude for the exam.

Get a Massage

Take advantage of the “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” mentality and solicit a free massage from your friends! Just remember to return the favor, of course! You can always create a massage circle as well so everyone wins.


When you’re feeling really stressed out from all the work, sometimes the best medicine is laughter. Try watching some funny videos on youtube to get you back into the “study zone.” I recommend the youtube challenge, “Hey Jimmy Kimmel, I told my kids I ate all their Halloween candy!” or “Celebrities Read Mean Tweets” for some quick laughs!

Treat Yourself

Don’t feel guilty for grabbing another cookie at dinner every once in a while, dark chocolate has actually been proven by various studies to decrease stress levels.  After all, stressed spelled backwards is desserts!

Just remember, these exams are NOT the end of the world. If you study hard, and find time to de-stress before the big day, I’m sure you will do great! If not, you did your best and you should be proud of that regardless of what grade you receive. Good luck!