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My Little Black Cat

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

I couldn’t do it. The thought of studying, the very thought of reading another word was killing me. So what did I do? Foster a kitten naturally. Well, kitten is what I was told, but after 5 phone calls to my closest of friends and mild fender bender caused by excitement, I walk into the SPCA to be greeted by…a black cat. Not a kitten mind you, but a cat. Was I surprised? I would love to say yes, but as the girl who always gets the “that would happen to you,” accompanied by a look of pity, I couldn’t say I was too surprised. Disappointed? A bit. It hit me right then and there that I had an exam in a little over 12 hours…that I had barely studied for. All of a sudden sacrificing my study time to foster a kitten didn’t seem like quite the right choice. But I couldn’t say no. I felt quite superficial, saying no to helping an animal just because it was, you know…not cute. So I took her home….

And then 5 days later, I brought her back. After 20 minutes of trying to fight with her to get back in her crate, the black cat was finally in the car and on the way back. Was it because she wasn’t cute? No. It was because my instincts told me from the beginning that she wasn’t the cat I wanted. It wasn’t because I was being superficial, and it wasn’t because I am a bad person. I just knew then and there that she was not the cat for me. So should everyone not adopt a kitty? Absolutely not what I’m saying. The SPCA does an amazing thing of giving us the opportunity to foster animals without homes and I really encourage everyone to do it. Just realize that a) you are picking it up to foster and care for it, not to just snuggle with it, and B) if you think its not the one for you then you better walk away right then and there. Commitments are something I have always run from, and this one was one that I tried to tackle. Clearly it didn’t work for me, but I have faith that the next little kitty that enters my home will be the one for me. I guess one moral of the story is…black cats are just not my thing.