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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTRGV chapter.

As we all know, we are all different. Some are tall, some are short. Some can sing, others don’t reach a pitch. Some are destined to become artists and some are born to be scientists.

Women around the world look and act different. We each have an individual talent that makes us who we are. All of these differences give us one thing in common, our unique beauty. This list showcases worldwide beauty at all ages in women inside and out.

1. Afghanistan

Photo from: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/460141286911960600/

2. Romania

Photo from: https://www.demilked.com/women-around-world-beauty-atlas-mihaela-noroc/

3. Thailand

Photo from: http://travelistasia.com/the-beauty-long-necked-women/leher-panjang-3/

4. Iran

Photo from: http://theatlasofbeauty.com

5. Angola

Photo from: http://www.madalinadobraca.com/around-world-fridays/

6. Amazon Rainforest, Ecuador

Photo from: https://www.thecut.com/2017/09/atlas-of-beauty-captures-portraits-of-wom…

7. Japan

8. China

Photo from: http://theatlasofbeauty.com

9. India

Photo from: https://www.demilked.com/women-photos-world-atlas-beauty-mihaela-noroc/

10. Ethiopia

Photo from: https://www.demilked.com/women-around-world-beauty-atlas-mihaela-noroc/

For more photos like these make sure to follow photographer, Mihaela Noroc on tumblr at: http://theatlasofbeauty.com. She even has a book out!

A Mass Communications major, with a minor in Art and Graphic Design. Passionate about creativity and food. 
UTRGV Class of 2018  Mass Comm Major Mexican-American Studies Minor