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10 Reasons Why You Should Take Me to Formal

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTM chapter.

Well, hello there. Thanks for dropping in. My name is Brigitte, and I am a sister of Zeta Tau Alpha. We have our semi-formal coming up on November 11th, and I need a date. I am about to give you 10 reasons in no particular order because they are all great and convincing about why I am a great date and why you should take me to formal. This is in no way a joke. If you are interested in coming with me, please email me your resume and cover letter at briacurc@ut.utm.edu, or slide into my dm’s. Either will suffice. @brigitte_curcio. Look me up.


10. I am a pretty amazing person (At least my mom says I am).

Maybe you don’t know me very well, but I really am amazing. Ask the people who know me. I am kind and smart and generally just a great human being who cares about other human beings.


9. I like to have fun.

One of my favorite things to do is have fun, and I bet it’s one of your favorite things, too, so we already have something in common. Some ways I like to have fun are by playing Uno and pretending I have my life together. If you come with me, I GUARANTEE that you will also have fun because I will bring Uno cards on the bus, but you’ll have to carry them.

8. My dress is really pretty.

It’s just so pretty, and you will look very nice standing next to me. They say the camera adds 10 pounds, but I say that standing next to me will add 10 points to your looks score. 10/10 would recommend standing next to me.


7. I will help you make friends.

Since I am a senior, I know pretty much everyone in the chapter, so I can introduce you to about 60 more girls and their dates. You will automatically make about 120 new friends in one night. What more do you need in life?


6. I’m so awkward.

Being awkward is, like, the cool new thing to be, and I am very good at being that if you couldn’t already tell. I am so awkward that you will be able to laugh at me all night long and I won’t even be upset, I’ll actually encourage it.

5. I like to eat food.

If the only reason you want to come is to eat food, I won’t judge you because that’s really why I’m going, too. They serve us a great meal, and I will gladly go up for seconds with you.


4. I am a really bad dancer.

If you are also a bad dancer but still want to dance, that’s great. I am probably the world’s worst dancer, but I will still make a fool of myself with you.


3. I will probably make fun of you, which will make you a better person.

One of my many talents include judging people, so my constructive and sarcastic criticism will change your life and make you a better person. Ask my ex if it worked for him.

2. You get a free night to be fancy.

Everyone needs to dress up and look super fancy once in awhile, so you might as well do it at my formal.


1. Because you just should.

Take a risk, be bold, don’t think too hard about it and you will not regret it for a second of the rest of your life (well maybe only a little but you could have worse regrets).


Photos courtesy of me and my snapchat friends, thanks for asking.


Brigitte Curcio is a Senior at the University of Tennessee at Martin. She is studying Public Relations and Women's Studies. She is from Connecticut and moved south for school to be on the Division 1 Skyhawk Rifle Team. She is a sister of Zeta Tau Alpha and she serves as Panhellenic President among many other leadership positions around campus. She is so proud that she is able to be a part of bringing Her Campus to UTM.