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Opinion: 4 Reasons Why Every Woman Should Vote For Bernie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

When it comes to the issues facing women, the best candidate for the job is obviously another woman, right? Wrong! I am so sick of hearing people say they are voting for Hillary Clinton just because she is a woman. I would love to see a woman elected president because of what it symbolizes, but when it comes to the issues, especially the issues facing women, Bernie is the “man” for the job. Although these two candidates are both running for the same party,and agree on many things, there are key differences that set them apart. 

1. The first major difference between these two candidates is the way their campaigns are being financed. Hillary is being funded mostly by super PACs (Political Action Committees) and corporations, while Bernie’s campaign relies on small donations from middle class Americans. Why is this important? The answer to that question is pretty simple. These corporations and large donors are giving Hillary these enormous donations banking on the idea that she will provide them something in return when she is in office. Bernie, on the other hand, owes nothing to these corporations and can better represent the average American and not the billionaire agenda.

2. The second reason Bernie is the better candidate is his plan to raise minimum wage to $15 an hour across the nation, while Hillary only supports a jump to $12. Raising the minimum wage to a livable level will help millions of Americans. Because women earn on average seventy-eight cents per every dollar a man makes, it will affect them even more. Bernie also plans to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act which would address income inequality among the genders even more thoroughly.

3. Education is another reason that everyone, but especially women, should vote for Bernie. In today’s world education is power, and Bernie wants to give everyone the opportunity to go to college without having to go into debt. By allowing our young people better access to a college education we can lower poverty rates. Statistically, countries that pay for higher education also experience lower incarceration rates, which means less prisoners living on taxpayer money.

4. Perhaps the most profound differences between Clinton and Sanders is their views on a woman’s right to choose. Although Clinton supports a woman’s right to an abortion, she has a much more moderate stance on the issue and under what circumstances it should be allowed. Sanders has been more enthusiastic about this issue, and his healthcare plans include expansion and better access to women’s health programs. Bernie also supports raising paid maternity leave to a minimum of 12 weeks, so that a mother is able to welcome her child into the world without the stress of money or getting right back to work.

Hillary would represent something historical by being the first female president, but I hope when you compare candidates, you look at the issues very closely and choose who will represent you the best regardless of their gender.

Editor Note: All opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and the author alone. They do not represent Her Campus at the University of Utah or Her Campus International.

Business major at the University of Utah. Politics fanatic. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor