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Insight Into Deeper Astrology

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

There is a lot more that goes into astrology than just the month you were born in. The day, right down to the minute, has an effect on your astrological soul that sets you apart from your fellow Cancers, Virgos, etc. The sun sign is a general broad part of your personality. Once you get your full birth chart created, you will have access to a deeper understanding of the wholeness that creates you. Here are some brief insights into deeper astrology.

Sun Sign: The general aspects of your personality. Most aspects of this sign will identify with you. It is your main sign; the sign you tell people you are when they ask.

Rising/Ascendant Sign: This is how you appear to other people. It is how you come across upon a first impression. I have found that the more confidence and peace a person has within them self, the less this sign tends to show. For example, I am a rising Cancer, and rising Cancers come off as shy, sweet, introverted. I am one of the friendliest people in the entire world. But when I am uncomfortable, I absolutely turn into the cute, giggly girl in the corner of the room who people just say “Aww, she’s so sweet.” It kind of makes my inner fire burn out a little every time.

Moon Sign: The moon sign is my favorite to find out about people. It is the secrets, the skeletons in the closet, the first reaction to pain. It is the deep-seeded way in which a person truly views the world but typically hides from it. I am a Pisces, and Pisces tend to see the world in grey. They try to understand everybody’s points of view and aim to go with the flow. But my moon is in Scorpio. Deep down, I do see a lot of issues in black and white. My people-pleasing Pisces sun tries to hide that from people.

Mercury: This is another big one. Your mercury is how you communicate with others. If you are a Virgo with a Mercury in Gemini, you tend to speak and understand how others are speaking more like a Gemini would.

A fun example is our beloved Scarlett Johanson.

This is a simple graph of her birth chart. I’ll explain further.

Sun: Sagittarius

Sagittarius’ are a fire sign. They are natural leaders, just like the other fire signs, and they love to learn about the world and travel to new sights with a sense of optimism. As her chart shows, while her sun sign is a fire sign, she has mostly water signs in her chart – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are water signs. So this has a larger infuence on her personality; she will come off more mysterious, sensual, and psychic like a water sign, even though her main sign is Sagittarius.

Rising/Ascendant: Scorpio

Rising Scorpios like to come off guarded and mysterious. They have a very sexy vibe about them.

Moon: Scorpio

Intense, deep feelings.

Mercury: Virgo

Logical structured way of delivering their words.

Maybe you still think this is too generalized, but I think astrology just gave a pretty accurate representation of Miss Johanson.

If you want to complete your full birth chart, fill out this form from Café Astrology. http://astro.cafeastrology.com/cgi-bin/astro/natal

My favorite Rising Sign calculator. http://www.horoscopeswithin.com/calculate.php

My favorite Moon Sign calculator. http://www.lunarium.co.uk/moonsign/calculator.jsp

Don't make this ginger snap... just kidding. I'm usually pretty nice. I am a happy-go-lucky, Avril Lavigne lovin' and poodle obsessed San Diego girl. I think I'v been handling the cold weather pretty well! Communication is my degree of choice, although maybe someday I'll be a world reknown astrologer... One last thing: I'm pretty sarcastic. 
Julianne serves in the role of Community Development Associate, directly working with chapters and expansion. She graduated from the University of Utah in 2018 with a triple major in Political Science, Film & Media Art, and Communications with minors in Health and Theater. Julianne served as a Campus Correspondent for Utah for 3 years, as a Chapter Advisor for 2 years, a Campus Expansion Assistant for 2 years, and as a High School Ambassador Advisor. New to Boston, Julianne can't wait to eat as much seafood as was deprived of her after living in the mountains for most of her life. In her spare time, she loves to ski, watch an unreasonable amount of movies, and write!