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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

No, he isn’t a bad boy. He’s something much worse than that…he’s a fuckboy. Do not be deceived by his killer good looks and mysterious persona, ladies. A fuckboy is a man-whore and basic bro hybrid, mixed with just a splash of narcissistic tendencies. And chances are you are reading this because you are indeed worried that your boy IS a fuckboy.. So if you are thinking he is a fuckboy, first of all, he probably is and second of all, he will exhibit one or all of these charcteristics.

If he asks you to play 20 questions…and his first question is “Are you a virgin?”, he’s a fuckboy.

If he says “What would you do if I was there? ;)”Uh… I’d probably still be eating a grilled cheese. F u c k b o y .

If he says anything along the lines of “I won’t show anyone, I’m not messed up like that”No, he is messed up like that, he will show everyone.

If he texts you after 12 amIt is well known that these late hours are booty call hours. You are just serving as tonight’s booty call to this fuckboy.

He won’t take you in publicIt isn’t because he is shy or too busy or has to hang with his brother that day. It’s because all of his other sidepieces are probably going to the mall that day too.

You have no idea how many other ”bae’s” he hasHis phone is constantly blowing up and if you confront him about it he has no real answers. In this case, you will never know because he doesn’t even know because a fuckboy can’t count that high.

“You’re the only girl I talk to”Oh is that so? Because I know it’s not your mom blowing up your text, instgram, twitter and snapchat because you’re not even nice to your mom (which is an additional fuckboy characteristic).

If he asks you at any point in time to “Netflix and chill” he is a…Classic fuckboy. Do not Netflix or chill with him.

All of his friends are fuckboysIt’s like a cult of fuckboys.

If he tells you, he “doesn’t believe in labels”Why does he not want a label? A label is the hypothetical glue that holds shit together. Labels organize what is already a jumbled mess to make things easy sailing. But fuckboys don’t want the commitment associated with a label because when he cheats on you with the 40 other girls sending him nudes, it won’t be his fault because you were “never official”.

Begging for nudesNot only will he beg but also he will get legitimately upset when you say “no”, thus guilting you into sending nudes. DO NOT FALL FOR SUCH SORCERY.

Asks if you have a kikOnly fuckboys will attempt to get in touch with you via messaging app. Like what is wrong with via text message or via phone call? What about via face to face interaction?

He is spontaneousAlthough, his idea of spontaneity is an unsolicited dick pic.

And there you have it, ladies. Fuckboy’s traits are (but are not limited to) the ones listed above. And if after reading this you think you might be currently, personally victimized by a fuckboy, GET OUT OF HERE. Go delete his number, fast! Because chances are, he hasn’t even saved yours or even worse, your name in his phone is “blonde with the rack”. 

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor